Well, i'm not sure if this TC's article is correct, but it states that he become the face of the DWG changes even though he had so little to do with it.
One after the other, it seemed like Microsoft blatantly stole Sony's Buzz and Eyetoy games, with SceneIt and You in the movies (un)respectfully. As well as obviously copying from mii's and home with 'Avatars'.
I'd say PS3 - 8 - Great Hardware, not enough games, PSN isn't up to stratch yet.
360 - 8 - Great games, Great Online, Hardware is definately poorer than PS3 (not graphics quality)
Wii - 7 - The whole point of my post was to give all consoles the same score and show they each ahve good and bad things but the Wii... From a hardware point of view it is good. For its cost its up to stratch. Gamewise their are some good ones it'll still be pushing out 1 or 2 great games a year for the rest of its lifetime. And most users (NA and Europe) bought and don't play very often.
I agree that it should just take inspiration from the games rather than adhering to them verbatum. It has to take a more serious tone and do away with the goofy bosses. Also, the whole concept of the metal gears has to be thought out a little better as they really make nos sense and would never be practical in a real war.arachosia
Don't have a PS3, so my mate brought his round and we hired out MGS4.
Rumours are true, game is fantastic, played from 3 til 3 and had very few stops.Took us 10 hours to get to end of Act 2 then we finished. We'll continue next weekend. It's quite hard to wait to be honest.
Graphics are the most impressive i've seen i think, and i'm first and formost a hermit. I think MGS4 looks on par with most animated movies.
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