@Randolph: Sorry Randolph, but i did not make that statement. I did ask the question if it was on purpose, but 20 years is a long enough time to at least ask the question. Tekken is not a new series.
You might read my full text or my other posts. But please don't make it seem as if i have deposited any claims that i did not.
I have merely stated FACTS about Namco's roster of the past 20 years. Maybe you're 50 years old and 20 years doesn't seem long to you. In that case ... i apologise. I'm in my 30s and 20 years is a big amount of time to me. If it's all coincidental i still want it to change and even though "game designers can make the game they want.... I STILL don't have to play the happy silent consumer.
If you must laugh and ridicule all you want. I'm not bothered at all. For i have a goal. Don't need approval, just need to urge the publisher to action. So i will campaign on.
Sorry, don't pay attention to me.
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