mitcht09 : You're a funny one. No but seriously, how old are you? Instead of telling me that my grammar is "horrible", maybe you should point out my mistakes (which by the way, are non-existent). I don't know if you are trying to compensate for something, like a small wiener maybe, or if you just woke up one day and decided to shove your head as far up your ass as you could. As for the whole PS3 controversy, I think we got it. Everyone is throwing names out there saying "hey dis 1 shoud be in!!1", but the reality is, they can't all be on the most wanted list. Yeah I know, Assassin's Creed looks awesome, Metal Gear Solid 4 is stunning blablabla. This is each editor's personal opinion, you can't debate whether or not they're right, they are.
Ok, first, some of you (read Sony fan boys) should learn how to use punctuation. Second, capitals are used at the beginning of a sentence or at the beginning of a proper name, not for two whole sentences or more. I don't know if it's because your parents didn't tuck you in at night, and frankly, I don't care. Lastly, stop complaining about MGS4. It's probably my most anticipated game, but it doesn't mean it's theirs. So please, stop complaining, stop whining, stop being an ass or downright stop breathing.
tekki2034's comments