@AtariKidX speak before you know, fitting of your comments and speaks volumes of your actual knowledge and intentions.there's lots of online multiplayer, including the ability to create reoccurring tournaments and upload footage to youtube..real gamers game, posers hate stuff to look cool but that doesn't actually work out in the end..
@SoulCondemner I had freeware doom when it released and played it for hours on end.it was an ugly hideous game and pretty much awful.
@anakvunky I'd rather be consumed by one game for 6 months than play this that and the other thing a little here and there.it's far more engrossing when one game can consume you.
@RPG_Fan_I_Am It's getting 9s elsewhere.It's funny because in the OG game everyone hated the timer, now that the time is gone it's a negative?
teknic1200's comments