Same complaints and accusations made by know-it-all writers were made after the DS had just been released and the PSP was on its way. Same holier-than-thou attitudes. Probably same result too.
Nice to see that nothing sways the Sony fanboys. That's commitment. Fact of the matter is that Sony has been arrogant in both its service to customers and its security measures. No, it's not their fault they got hacked, but it ~is~ their fault that they choose to save face rather than do the responsible thing any professional company should have done. Hey, at least Sony got to release the great news about their upcoming tablets first, amirite? That sure made things a whole lot better. ...for them, at least.
@ aermeus I think the size might be a problem for a 5 yr old. My brother imported one from Japan, and it's not heavy or too big for me...but I'm not 5 years old. Even I had some problem getting used to looking at the bigger screens but that's probably because I'm used to a DS lite. It's very well made, and looks and feels great, but it is a tad too big, and I can only imagine that small problem would be worse for a 5 year old. However, xerotolerant makes a good point, if she's in a car and just places it in her lap, it should be just fine and actually an advantage. Perhaps there'll be an open DSi XL at the store for her to try out first? In any case, good luck!
I just read the review again. X360 and PS3 don't even have the third person/overhead view zooming feature. That's a huge difference. Again, I'm glad I'm playing it on PC.
Read the review folks. Higher score on the PC because of gameplay and controls, not graphics. The graphics look decent to me on all three, I wouldn't care much, but I'm glad I'm on the PC version myself.
I'm already enjoying my Windows XP Hybrid. There are features in both Vista and Windows 7 that can be simply emulated or even straight ported into existing XP systems. But so far Windows 7 does look very promising.
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