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Achievements should = MS points

I started a thread in the Xbox 360 forums about achievements should be MS points. While some took the side of the developers saying I was greedy and wanted something for nothing, others like myself thought that it was a valid idea. I mean after all, my credit card gives me 5% back on every purchase. There are buy one get one free offers. Heck, even my elite came with one month free Xbox Live service. Am I asking too much for a gamer pic, or theme, or even a T-shirt?

Some stated that it would be a money loser to do this. I think it would be a brilliant marketing tool for the publishers. Think about it. Get all 1000 points and we send you a T-shirt with our products name and logo all over it. Then you wear that T-shirt to school or around town...............FREE ADVERTISING! Or in the example of a gamer pic, now everyone on Xbox live sees it. Does this sound too far fetched to you?

For some reason or another, the thread was closed. I didn't get a reponse as to why, but it is what it is. Now here, where no one will read this, lies the question.................should achievement points = MS points.

I only wish someone would answer.