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Entering YouTube

I've been wanting to make YouTube videos for ages. The first people I was really into following were sxephil and kevjumba. Both perfect comedians who created interesting material and, ironically, have diverged completely in terms of quality from what I've seen. I followed musicians, vloggers, news shows, directors and pretty much bits and pieces of everything under the sun because YouTube as a platform is fascinating.

It's a window into the lives of people who are talented or interesting in countless different ways. Right now the main people I follow religiously are nerimon, charlieissocoollike, tyrannosauruslexxx and ninebrassmonkeys. They're all clever, interesting, talented and- well, British. I have a thing for entertaining, charismatic British people, a fact to which my significant other can attest. I'm also crazy about everything nigahiga does and by extension the laboured and loved short films from Wong Fu Productions.

All of these users are a testament to what YouTube can achieve for people, how far it can get you and what a brilliant stage it can offer for young, talented people. Also old or not-so-talented people! Also cats. It likes cats.

I've been wanting to try my hand at it forever but it's something I wanted to be so careful about approaching. The YouTube community can be scary and unforgiving and I didn't know that I'd be ready for that so I held off. Then I got to this stage where I'm doing GS News all the time and people are seeing me and hearing my work but not knowing who I am at all. This then results in people making incorrect assumptions about what my role is or who I am as a person and given that honesty is my bread and butter I felt the need to stand up and say something.

So, as a result I now have this channel:

I don't want to talk about news or have this be like a GameSpot personality "supplement". It's not. This is just me, saying what I care about and hoping to get to know you and have you get to know me. I'm sure I'll make a video about this thought one day and while I've expressed it more than enough I still feel the need to repeat it. I care about being genuine. I honestly think that being yourself, being honest and not compromising to either of those is the best thing a person can do. At the end of the day the one assurance you have is that you will always be stuck with yourself and that should be a person you are not only proud of but someone you are upfront about.

So watch me be blunt, upfront, honest, whatever you want to call it. I'll be making videos on suggestions and whatever else happens to strike my fancy at the time so hopefully it'll be fun. Maybe I'll see you there =]