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GameSpot News Daily Madness

As of a week ago now, well, a week and two days @EdmondTran and I have been bringing you the news and a lot of you seem to like it which is freaking awesome. I quite like it too =] I figured since we're invading your homepages everyday you might want to know a bit about how the show is produced. The incredible crew that goes into this show is a whopping two people. Myself, and Ed. And that's it on our end. The show is produced for 4PM in San Fran which would be loads of time though sadly we are not in San Fran, we are in Sydney where 4PM becomes 9AM. So, here are my and Ed's mornings (though his have a little less hair fixing and makeup wearing - a bit less).

5:00AM: WAKE UP TIME. Yes, it's glorious and not at all horrible. The trick is to get out of bed right away. And then sit in front of my floor heater for twenty minutes congratulating myself on having gotten out of bed. The clever Eddie or Martin from our US and UK offices will have sent me the days news so that I can get a head start on reading. All of this is getting ready time and getting to work time until...

6:20AM: Get into work. It's a hectic, delirious morning where Ed puts up with me jumping and putting on stupid voices and I threaten him on pain of death not to repeat any of the weird things I say at six in the morning. Also, he gets too many coffees and I have a hot chocolate (because I'm a grown up) and we both regret it because we're trying to fill food-shaped holes in ourselves with beverages. I start scripting the second I get in the door, fortunately being sarcastic and snarky about nearly every news item comes pretty naturally to me so it only takes about half an hour each day.

7:10AM: We shoot. Ed does all the behind the camera magic and I stand there and say my words. I usually make myself laugh from my jokes FAR more than anybody else does but I do my best to yell my hilarious one-liners in Ed's face so he'll realise how funny I am. Still waiting for that day. The shoot is a combination of different shots to camera and on-camera V/O. It's all stuff I've personally never done at GS before - or anywhere - and I'm a big fan of the final result.

7:30AM: This is where I write out the headline and the deck for Ed while he sits and stresses over the edit. It all goes awfully quickly punctuated by one or both of us cursing at our Macs (I'm not usually a Mac person but when I edit videos I find Final Cut Pro really is my favourite method). All up we have to get the video out and done from shooting in about an hour and it needs to be published on site within two and a half hours from start to finish - if you do not edit I will tell you this is tricky! But it sure is satisfying.

9:00AM: Publish! This is the best bit where we get to calm down (I get to calm down, I should say, Ed manages to busy himself with post-production work) and I get to watch what you guys thought of it. Whether you're commenting on YouTube, GameSpot, Facebook or on Twitter using #GSNews, I guarantee you I'm reading every single word. Your support and criticism is what keeps this show interesting and getting better and better as we go!

GameSpot News

So thanks, I appreciate all your kind words around this very hectic show that we've taken on. They're invaluable and (more often than not) really lovely to read.