If the proprietary memory cards were not so expensive, then I'd probably have a Vita and a couple games in my hands right now. I love the idea of saving a bit of money by downloading games off the PS Store, but I'm not willing to spend $100 for one measly little memory card. Maybe if it was $50 for the 32GB, I'd consider.
Those are some pretty amazing ideas. I mean, you have to admit that playing a full-blown game like Arkham City on your iPhone would be astounding. Sure, you need a controller to plug in, but the technology these days is just amazing... That being said, the idea isn't too practical. When I read "You can even play these games on your favorite smartphone/tablet device" I knew there was something fishy. Very few games can have the control scheme to actually fully implement the touch screen in useful (and playable) ways. The plug-in controller sounds like an odd idea, but necessary if most of the games are wished to be played. I imagine this would be sort of cool if you're on a plane ride.
Well, look at it this way... PS3 exclusives blow everything else out of the water. You can't tell me that Uncharted 2 doesn't look amazing. But besides, graphics don't make a game.. Gameplay, sound, music, playability, all of that, factors into what a video game is. Honestly, I think Gamespot should stop doing these graphics comparisons. But that's just me.
Well, it can only get better for all the consoles, AncientDozer. The reason some PS3 games don't look as good as their 360 counterparts is because developers are now really getting a handle on the PS3's technology. Xbox 360 has been out for 3 years now, and PS3 has only been out for 2. Developers have had more of a chance to get used to the 360's power, and now they're branching out into the PS3's power. Soon enough, games on the PS3 will be better and more amazing than ever. And no Dragon0932, PS3 graphics absolutely do not fail. Both systems have practically same graphics. Please, just stop your fanboy criticisms. It is somewhat getting on my nerves.
"We're at the point where games look and play nearly the same on both systems--any differences tend to focus on texture resolutions and antialiasing nitpicks that most people wouldn't notice unless they were playing the games side by side and pausing every few seconds to compare the two. Fortunately, we've done all of that for you." - Exactly why this article is pointless. There is a small, barely noticeable difference between each version of the games. Just...give it up, Gamespot. Seriously.
gascan9....don't even get me started on how wrong your statement is. You know, you REALLY need to visit the Nintendo.com games list. There's a whole ton of T and M rated games available, with more to come. But referring to the Wii motion plus....I really wish Nintendo had thought of this BEFORE they sold millions and millions of Wiis to the world. Seems like an alright idea. I'd like to see how it proves in future games as well.
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