Spot on, unfortunately. Definitely takes Crysis 2's place as Crytek's worst game of all time, and Crysis 2 at least had much more depth than Ryse. This is simply a glorified, interactive graphics engine showcase.
Trying to appeal to hardcore gamers at all is WRONG for Nintendo. They should stick to casuals on the WiiU and focus all their more complex game on their handhelds where they shine.
Although I enjoyed playing through the first game, the game mechanics and story left a lot to be desired. I'd love to see how they've managed to improve in the sequel.
Hard to swallow this review when all I've seen so far are still basically what AC2 did, just a bit bigger in scale. Of course maybe I'm too jaded because I thought the same of AC3 as well.
Judging from watching playthrough videos, I couldn't agree more with this review. I will probably get this game down the road anyway because it's still a good batman game and that's one of the few good things this generation had going for it. I'll wait for a patch to hopefully fix the bad console framerate though.
Unfortunately, I also have played many games that I haven't enjoyed simply because everybody else around me seemed to be immensely into them. The GTA series has always been one of them. I've played all of them since the very first to GTA IV and have never liked any of them one bit.
But also, very rarely, this bad habbitt of mine has lead to me immensely enjoying a game I misunderstood at first, like the Fallout series. It used to bore the crap out of me but suddenly it "clicked" for me after going on and not giving up. Now I love all three in the series.
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