Dark Watch on the PS2 is an excellent game
tetsurax's forum posts
I skipped 4 and am thinking about playing it first. At the same time I have $50 in Microsoft gift cards and really want something for my Xbox. Should I splurge on this game?
4 had a fantastic campaign and story, I'd play through it at least once, find the terminals and get caught up to speed. As much as I love Halo's story it is heavily dependent on you understand the basics to understand what the hell is going on.
What would if take for you to buy any of the three
Wii U
Xbox One
Certain games? Features? A specific price?
I got the amiibo bundle, it's a good game but It is really easy. Nintendo put in a baby mode where Yoshi would have wings but even the standard mode is pretty easy. I would easily recommend this game for younger gamers but that's about it, 60$ was not worth the price but at least I got my amiibo and I can sell the game on Ebay now that I'm done with it.
Meanwhile , Halo dumbed down the entire FPS genre to work on a controller .... has heavy aim assist where what is it ... 30-40% (last I looked, e.g years ago) of all kills are friggin aim assisted melee kills... slowed the genre movement speed down a ton, because lets be honest.. CONSOLES.
So I guess Halo is FPS for dummies too by that logic.
I would say people whine about Halo balance... but considering there is so little to balance... it speaks for itself.
Overwatch is coming to consoles too, Blizzard is probably going to implement cross play between consoles and PC also. Even if Halo was an FPS for dummies, at least the community isn't going to plague the Waypoint forums crying every minute like the Blizzard community does
Have fun getting spammed by Reapers when they end up being 95% of the Overwatch player base.
@Salt_The_Fries: Overall from what you've played, how does this compare to Halo 4 and Reach? Better, worse?
Gears 3
Mass Effect 3
Dead Space 3
Uncharted 3
The hype is real
ah yes, the marketing hype is super real.
Just like Halo 4 was a nine, sold millions ... and yet nobody cares about its existance after a month.
Overwatch is the shooter to beat this season... the only one trying to do anything good/outstanding. But ofcourse that doesn't have microsoft paying for advertisement on various gaming sites.
Gameplay speaks for itself.
Overwatch is Team Fortress 2 for dumb people and will have a toxic community full of whiners and cry babies who'll cry about balancing issues. Blizzard games appeal to the lowest common denominator. Wow is an MMO for dummies, Hearthstone is a TCG for dummies, Heroes is a MOBA for dummies.
I'll play Overwatch for a few days during the stress test, and then I'll casually walk away from it when the shit storm of self entitled cry babies storm the Battlenet forums to whine and bitch about how imbalance.
In terms of what? It's by far the most popular given how accessible it is, even in casual mode at 3 AM there are 500k+ people online
That said, Overwatch may be the closest thing to it in terms of overall popularity. But I don't see the game being very competitive since the Blizzard community is always crying and whining about balancing issues.
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