Well today I went to Gamecave (like I said I was in my previous blog) and it turns out it just in a large room of this computer store. I firstly didn't know what to expect but my brother told me a bit about it so I could guess what it be like plus I’ve seen pic of LAN gaming places.
I signed up for the membership and started playing Counter Strike: Source. Dam it is so much better than condition zero, and I don't think it was the graphics card talking (the computers all run on AMD 64 processors & PCI Express graphics).
These are some other games they have available to play:
- Serious Sam 2
- Age of Empires 3
- Call of Duty
Unfortunately CoD2 didn't work which sucked I tried to play online with BF2 i got to choose servers and stuff but once I joined the game before I could join a class or even join a squad it kicked me from the server and said that punkbuster had removed me from the server saying that I had O/S insufficient permissions or something like that.
So once some more people turned up I played Counter Strike: Source with them and these kids are like 2 years younger than me.....I was owning them!!! I joined the terrorist team for a bit using just a plain AK-47 and these other kids sucked so much. I flanked about 3 of them and killed them with about 3 shots each (no joke!) and this was my first time playing a Counter Strike game in about 2 years.
I am going to go there again this Friday with some mates so I should have some more playing time on CS: Source!!!