You know how you go to Youtube and you can't find any good videos? You know how you want to watch a good game playthrough but they butcher it and make it into a speedrun? Or they clip here and clip there and you just get some of the action? How about the annoying ad pop ups? The lack of audio so you can't enjoy the sound fx or music? I was so sick of it I made my own channel. It was one of the best things I've ever done! I don't watch TV anymore because all of the sudden I have something to watch whenever!
The channel isn't perfect, but tell me when you ever hear a song on the radio or from your favorite artist that insists that ANYTHING has to be perfect! As an instance, you don't go searching for the channel title per se, you're better off looking up "GCN XLP" or "NES XLP" or clicking on a link here in the blog to get there. Not really straightforward, but then neither was the "healthcare reform" issue, and anyone with any sense knows that the lack of detail and truth there was no accident! Even at that, my channel is far less imperfect than the umpteen odd channels out there with controversial videos where they have adult material! "Mature" is adult, accept it. You're a better person if you do.
Of course it took over a year to have enough to watch...I was doing my best and recording everything I played. All of it. I like having a SHOW to watch, a SAGA. I want to see all of it, want to relive the good times and see it like it's special premium programming. Watching it at first was too painful so I didn't, until I had about 2,000 videos and at least one complete playlist of a playthrough. Nod to Ocarina of Time. I hated it, just couldn't stand watching, loving, all of the sudden the list ends and leaves me hanging. Too painful so I ran away.
It's still better than any other channel on Youtube. No one wants to watch speedruns, skip-throughs and proof of concept videos, they go to watch full playthroughs! People want to see video games being celebrated, not enslaved or censured! If you're smart, you know that!
I love watching my channel. I can't get enough of watching my playbacks. The fact that I see it all, minus the long pauses of course, was the best. I made mistakes, but it's not like I can't redo the playthroughs. I plan to for most of them, but it's not really a matter of planning so much since I record everything I play. The thought of having a living archive of all my plays is just, I mean, the best thing I could think of.
I just like playing games. For many reasons. I can't really think of more than a few nominal games I can't stand. You'd probably be surprised at what shows up in my collection. At least what shows up in the games I have ever played in my life. I enjoy playing most games, it's a fact that I have learned to accept about myself. There are certainly those I prefer and have more fun with, are just a great thing for me.
I enjoy just living in the game when I play. I don't play all day long or every day, not saying that. When I do play though, I like experiencing all the game has to offer. I think it's only right that my videos reflect that, but any way you rationalize it, I record it all. All of the action. And I also have the dialogue shown completely. All signature parts of the game, provided they aren't repetitive, I will show in its fullness. That includes intros, cinematic, outros, credits, etc. But not to the point where it is obnoxious. I just want the full game experience represented. I consider it the least I can do to appreciate what I got from the game, and beyond any doubt, to preserve that for enjoyment any time! Yeah, it all gets captured, it all goes up there. Count on it.
You know the original Legend of Zelda? The old ancient one, the very first? When will you EVER...EVER...EVER AND EVER...find a full, complete playthrough of that game...??? You find speedruns, you find Olympic speedruns, you find epic speedruns, you find hardcore cyber assist speedruns...not the full monty. Never gonna find that. You find in it here, on my channel. But nowhere else. Can you see what I'm saying now? Can you appreciate the philosophy a bit? Making sense to yaz...?
CONFESSION: I am actually turning my LOZ list into an extended EXTRA sandbox run. I'm not sorry either. I will not apologize. I will finish the game, yes, true, but it's not gonna be in any time you would consider to be normal! Just letting you know! If you're not getting the vision, at least take a look at it and you will see where I'm going with this. It's a good thing!
Editing videos is actually kind of fun, you know. I learned, taught myself, made plenty of mistakes and I'm not perfect. But who cares! I think I did a great job, and I could make you gag with some really snarky comments about my abilities, but since you can probably imagine what I would go to town. I just love the whole process, and it feels like payday when I can upload them and make a bee-yu-tee-full presentation.
I have some space here so I'm going to go ahead and get sentimental for a paragraph or two: among my favorites you'll find my Total Annihilation: Kingdoms list, the list for Robotech, for Nightmare Creatures, Ocarina of Time (love watching the last battle and all the cinematics, quite the show, really) in spite of the fact that I lost some videos right in the middle, Morrowind, Front Mission 3, Return of the King, Warcraft II, certainly Warcraft III if I hadn't botched the recording somehow, Gauntlet Legends, x2, no, x3 actually, if you consider Seven Sorrows, ... ............ ...................
...Okay, I'm gonna stop right there, clearly I can't list my favorites, there are too many. I was just trying to rattle off some faves, I humbly admit defeat. I shouldn't have tried. Yeah, it's probably just best to say that I wish that more of my lists were complete so I can watch them without the morbid fear of hitting a hard stop! There, that's much better.
You can imagine I would recommend making a game channel to anyone. No brainer. Not gonna insult your intelligence. I personally love it. I love playing games, but now that I have my own personal library of gameplay glory, I have to say that games are now at least THRICE AS NICE!
I realize I may be the only one that feels that way. But that's what blogs are for, right?
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