Ever since on my fourteenth B-day, I heard this ace rule when I bought the game called Ace combat zero: the belkan war. There were three types of aces. (k call mii crazy but it's been pondering me to tell it to everyone:o:P). Heres the three. Those who seek strength (merc), those wholive for pride (knight), and those who could read the tide of battle (solider). Those are all the three. Well some times between two like ex: solider and knight together. That meansIt lives for pride and knows the tide of battle. I was thinking, maybe it couldhappen (IT COULD HAPPEN!!!:o) to us on the ground I noticed some people that lives in those three aces like pspitus for example he knows the gameplay of the game and knows what he's doin if he's making a review so that makes him a solider (AGAIN call me crazy!!!:o). I mean it could sometimes matter if ur not in the military to.
well that's all people and remember to give me more tips to make a good review k, sayonara;)
from, th3d3c3ption
p.s. sry if it didn't make any sense maybe in the future you'll know what I'm talkin 'bout;)