DC Characters Who Do Not Go Recognized Because the Company Is Too Afraid To Put Out
i've discussed this topic with Witch-king1987 and we agreed upon why some or more than half of the Dc characters aren't recognized. Such as Fate, Auquaman, Green arrow,Hawk girl, and other Dc characters who have more greater potiential then the 3 main people who are Superman, Wonder woman, and Batman. if the company who run these characters but the other characters, it would be more fun, or three times the fun it would be with only the normal three characters.they should make a game containing all the characters, or build up to all the characters. Like Dragon Ball Z.Sure u can include the three main ones, but the company needs to take a risk. have the other superheroes show out a bit. everyone now knows the three main ones, and the people who say the three man ones should be up there instead of the old ones, are the people who either are afraid of change, or just like the old things. The same things go with some other games that do not go recognized. If the company doesn't have the money to construct a commercial, then DO NOT put a game out without one. People this is going to be the future if it continues with like. DC would be more than it is now if they were to put the characters that actually belong there than the ones who everyone knows.
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