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thabeatles772 Blog

"Do they lead separate lives, or is it a single life shared?" (fav par

"People say you only live once, but people are as wrong about that as they are about everything. In the darkest moments before dawn, a woman returns to her bed. What life is she leading? Is it the same life the woman was living half an hour ago? A day ago? A year ago? Who is this man? Do they lead separate lives, or is it a single life shared?
A storm approaches. It's still over the horizon, but there's lightning in the air. Are either of them aware of the gathering turbulence? Can they feel the crackle of electricity in the wind? Or are they aware only of the power that they generate between themselves? The first hint of this storm is not a thunderclap, it is a knock.
Violent death, murder, it sends out shockwaves. The closer you are to it, the greater the shock.
If you love someone, you open yourself up to suffering. That's the sad truth. Maybe they'll break your heart, maybe you'll break their heart and never be able to look at yourself in the same way. Those are the risks. You see two people, and you think 'They belong together,' but nothing happens. The thought of losing so much control over personal happiness is unbearable. That's the burden. Like wings, they have weight. We feel that weight on our backs, but they are a burden that lifts us. Burdens that allow us to fly."

I was bored so I felt like putting this here.. tehe

I'm in a quizzical mood ; )

Hello, I stole this off charlotte.. shhh.. ;)

When is the next time you'll fly on a plane? I'm not really sure :P

Do you want any tattoos? maybe.. prob look gross when i'm like 80 though lol

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? no, I'm happy here for now.

What are your plans for this upcoming weekend? goin' to see my daddy.

Do you wish you had an older, protective brother?I guess that would be cool, but my older sister is greaaat too.

Is anyone overprotective of you? not really

Who was the last person to make you smile? William

Plans for tomorrow? School. :(

Who's got the same birthday as you? no one I know personally

What were you doing 45 minutes ago? walking home

Who was the last person in your bedroom? Me.

What is your favourite subject in school? Art.

Do you like the rain? sure do.

Do you like Twilight? NEVER!!

Have you ever read something by Shakespeare? Not completely, no.

Do you doodle on paper? not often.

How do you feel right now? tired and thirsty.

When is the last time you went to a restaurant? a few weeks ago now.

Is there a person in your life that can make you smile? most definitely

Who is the last person you went out to dinner with for a celebration? the Family

This time last year, were you single? Yes

Who will be the next person you ride in a vehicle with? Kim

Do you think this year will be better than the last? I haven't found it much better than the last so far, pretty much just the same..

Is there someone you want to keep in your life? Yeah

Would you rather have long or short hair? I have long hair now but i wonder how i would look with short.

What were you doing at 8 this morning? squinting at my phone thinking why am i awake?

Have you held hands with anyone in the past 72 hours? yes

Do you trust all of your friends? nope, but I don't trust people easily.

Are you talkative? If I have something to talk about, yes.

What would you do if you were walking down the street and a baby fell from the top of a six storied building and splat on the ground right in front of you?don't know I guess it'd have to happen to me first to know for sure.

And now for the typical survey question, is there anybody that you like? yeah

Are you dating that person? No

What are you listening to right now? iTunes - Be Like That by 3 Doors Down.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? It's nice to think that it's true, yeah.

Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? Yep

Do you believe in anarchy or government? anarchy might be fun for a while, but everybody would probably just start killing each other or sumfin 'cause you can get away with it.:P

If you were forced to live the rest of your life without one thing, what would you want that one thing to be the least? My sister.

Do you believe that the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11 were a government inside job? if it was, then they are extremely stupid but I don't think I know enough about it to give an opinion.

If you were to die today do you think everybody on your friends list would go to your funeral? Well I hope I don't, but no. :lol:

I hope everyone likes my Quiz.. I've never done one on here before.. umm.. well anyways here's a couple Bones pictures -

- Mayhem on the cross

- cinderella in the cardboard

Without Drugs, Life Has Colour!


Sorry, I couldn't think of a topic title thing so I just wrote that because I used it in a motivational poster I made in Design and Technology the other day..

Anyways Bones has been REALLY Great lately - And before you say it, I know what you're thinking, Bones has already finnished - well It is because I am in Australia and we only just got Hero in the Hold last night. - I know right we are so far behind!
(Last week's Fav scene)

(This week's Fav scenes) (so glad Bones got him another Cocky Beltbuckle)


What to write, what to write hmm.. I know! It's the long weekend and I am doing nothing :lol: I am totally bored. My best friend went to westfield whis his ex-girlfriend ( Don't ask, I have no idea ). My sister is at my dads house and left me here alone with my mother - I am nearing insanity :p - I guess could use this time to catch up on my assignments, I think about 4 or 5 are overdue? No what a crazy idea, why do that when I could go to the beach with Allana, it's the first time it's been warmish outside in a while, shouldn't let that slip by. Although maybe I should catch up on some reading for English, my teacher has been nagging at me for a while.. No, no the beach it is, I really need to get a tan..

Before I go, lately I've really been starting to like music by The Script, I heard a song of theirs - The Man Who Can't Be Moved - on Ghost whisperer a few weeks ago and Liked it so I downloaded it thinking it must be a few years old cause I'd never heard it before but it was only made like a year or two ago, I just never heard it (It didn't get very far down the top 100 list) and I like the song Breakeven too. It's recent and I hear on the radio like all the time..

And on Saturday I saw I Love You, Man with some friends at the movies. It was pretty funny, I'd watch it again..

Okay well I've run out of things to write so I'm off to the beach..


No time;

Sorry, I don't really get around to blogging too much. All my time seems to be going into school at the moment, among other things like tv, Myspace and finding time for friends. It's also kind of hard to think of a topic to write about when I don't really do much. Well anyways because what I do is mainly just watch tv I'll write of that - So I really like Love My Way at the moment, just bought season 2 & 3 finally (I couldn't find them anywhere), Viva la Bam (got my hands on all five seasons, had to order them in and wait like 3 weeks first though :( ), um I found season 3 of The Hills last week (been looking everywhere), what else umm.. been waiting patiently (some would disagree) for season 3 of Bones to be getting sold next month, kind of agitating me though :lol: Because I don't have them on dvd I like watching Ghost Whiperer, Grey's Anatomy, House, SVU, been watchin' a bit of Medium again lately, HIMYM, Eli Stone (not happy about the time slot though), NCIS, giving Lie to Me a shot, Underbelly II and I was watching Womens Murder Club when it came back on because I absolutley loved that show before they cut it off mid-late season, saw the final Friday night and was a little dissapointed that I will never know what happened to lindsay's father.

I funod it suprrinisgly esay

Only great minds can read this. This is weird, but interesting! If you can raed tihs, you hvae a gerat mnid too. Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpelnig was ipmorantt!

So, could you understand?

Last day of school baby!

Yeah. Today was my last day of school!

Bring on the best Summer of my life. :)

P.s I hope everyone has a wonderful christmas, and enjoy their holidays.

Merry Christmas...

The Freedom Writers Diary

So lately I've been reading The Freedom Writers Diary and most of the things that they write about that have happened to them in there lives are just so terrible! I would kill myself if i had to even slightly live through what most of those kids did. It would suck! Having to put up with racism, molestation, homelessness, an undeclared war, neighbours, friends and family getting shot or bashed dead for something as stupid as the colour of there skin. When you think about it, if Ms. Gruwell and these kids didn't stand up for what was right and just hid in the shadows of there fears, they probably would have passed on to there kids all them things listed above and the cycle would have never ended, but with the dedacation of Ms. Gruwell that all was changed. I mean there were that many kids that were desperate to get into her klass that was considered full of 'underachievers' that there was a waiting list. It even made other teachers jealous enough to try and get her fired. Saying that her teaching methods are unethical and shouldn't be done.

Some of the Diary entries are pretty full on. Some even made me want to brake out in tears. It's almost unbelievable that such things could happen to kids who were just trying to enjoy there childhood. Some had there innocence stolen away from them in mindless acts that they didn't even think that someone they love would ever possibly do to them. Some were forced to bye guns for a feeling of protection, some were bashed but were too scared to tell. I guess thats what the diary was for though. Letting them show there side of the story and to open the floodgates and lose control of there emotions through writing.

Anyways it's a good book and shows a side that the story that the movie just can't.

The Hills

Well I have nothing else to do and I'm just sitting here and my sister has The Hills on in the background so I'm going to write about it. I don't really know what to say except I love this show, and Laguna beach before that. The cast say that it's not scripted, but it's hard not to believe that anybody (Lauren) could have so much drama in there life :lol: I only just bought the Hills because I bought Laguna Beach so I felt the need to buy the sequel. So I'm only up to like the sixth episode of season 1 but I'm already addicted. I was really glad when Jason and Lauren got back together YAY-ish...I always liked them as a couple and was like heaps angry when he like cheated on her and then was like an idiot and denied it when it was caught on tape :P anyways yeah well there isn't much to write about when you've only seen 5 episodes so yeah... oh and I like the theme song :lol: Ohyeah and I totally hate Spencer and I'm starting to hate Heidi too... (Maybe they're working for the Devil as undercover spys, To find out the secret to sneaking into Heaven, so the underworld can wipe out god and the entire human race so they can move out of oblivion and destroy any chance of an Apocalypse, while creating a brand new world which they consider utopia, but is actually completely throwing off the cosmic balance until Earth finally explodes, destroying all the Evil in it. And when that happens A new Earth will appear, God will be reinstated as leader and the world truly will be Utopia, because Evil is extinct!)

My new banner


today i just got my brand new bones banner from dj_mrt, and i'm so happy and i love it and will be forever greatful because i thought that my banner spot would be black forever. :D Well anyways heres some bones pictures to fill the space. there mainly Season1 this time so :

hope you enjoyed these pictures:)

Pandora's box

Prometheus was a titan who really liked humans. He helped them in any way he could. When he saw them shivering at night and eating raw meat, he knew they needed fire. But the gods did not allow man to have fire. They knew that man would misuse it and destroy with it. Prometheus was sure that the good man did with fire would outweigh the bad, so he stole the fire from the gods and gave it to man. Zeus decided to punish Prometheus with trickery, and so ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create the woman Pandora as part of punishment for mankind. Pandora was given many seductive gifts including beauty, charm, astute, wit, deceit, eloquence, skill and curiosity. Hence her name: Pandora "all-gifted". Then Zeus gave her a box that contained all the evils of the world - greed, vanity, slander, envy, anger, gluttony, lust, desire and hope, and told her never to open it. Zeus then offered Pandora as a wife to Prometheus.

The titan wanted her but refused because he knew it might be a trick of the gods. Zeus became angry and punished Prometheus. The titan was chained to a rock, and there, a vulture came daily to feed on his flesh. For fear of additional reprisals, Prometheus had warned his brother Epimetheus not to accept any gifts from Zeus, but he did not listen, and Epimetheus accepted Pandora as his wife, and the couple settled down for a happy life. But Pandora always wondered what was in the box that Zeus gave her, until finally she couldn't hold her curiosity down anymore. She opened the box, and from it flew every evil of mankind in the world. She slammed the lid down and managed to trap one evil inside: Hope

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