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thanatrons Blog

Rain Day

Well, i have a rain day for work, even though it's kind of sunny over east lansing...

my turtles in time cart just died. it broke my heart. but atleast i have mega man x to occupy my rain day.

No more video game progress have been made. It probably wont happen until the NHL playoffs are over.... **** the pens by the way.)

Other than that.... I'm going back to bed after a little Mega Man.

Not where I planned to be...

Well, about 3 weeks have passed and I have made no true progress in my video gaming plans - it's very dissapointing.

I did atleast play through Link to the Past in about 6 and a half hours, and finished Paper Mario: TYD for the fourth time. Other than that I've just been playing 2-D platforms (Mario 3, Turtles in Time, Street Fighter...) just because I've been too tired from work to focus on video games.

Sadly enough, I'm sure once I get back to classes I'll get more video gaming done (but I will atleast stay on top of my studies)

Other than that Turtles in Time and Mega Man X are excellent games to waste your time on.

Finals are over!

Ah, classes are out until August. What does that mean? Maximum video game time.

If I'm not working or sleeping, I plan to have my ass planted infront of a TV and a Nintendo console.

I spent the past few classes I had (Soc 216 was a waste anyways...) to figure out my video gaming plans. Not that anybody cares but:

Paper Mario, Paper Mario: TTYD, Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, Legend of Zelda, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time, Legend of Zelda: Twillight Princess, Super Mario RPG.

Not to mention I'll be playing every Super Mario 2D platformer in between the ones listed above.

It's already looking like it will be a summer well spent.