Around here at GS, people throw this term around alot. Your nothing more than a Fan Boy. At work I was calling a Sony FanBoy. I don't know about you but I hate this term for all the wrong reason.
I don't know the official term for a Fanboy, but I will tell you what I think it means. A fanboy is a person who cares only about the manufacture of the product instead of the product. For example, since people tell me I'm a Sony fanboy I care all about Sony. I feel as if Sony can do no wrong and anything esle other than Sony is blasphemy.
Here is the 360 turn dudes; I feel as if a Fanboy should be a good thing! Not because of the term above but because your a fan of Sony. I'm a fan of Sony, I like the PSone and PS2. Not because of the system itself but because of the games that came with it. I do feel as if Sony can do wrong cause I really think they are making some major mistakes with the PS3. Plus all the games for the PSone and PS2 wasn't a success but you can find something in their library that you like to play.
So why did I say, "I hate this term for all the wrong reasons?" Maybe with this little bit of info you can tell me. See ya'll next week.