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G4 Videogame TV?

With the video game industry getting popular every year it would seem that we would be on the route of upgrading getting videogame news. You have you mags; PC Gamer, EGM. OPSM, OXM, Game Informer, etc; then you have your websites like good old GS here (still alot of bugs but its getting there.) Then we at on the route of going to TV with G4. Like mags and websites I thought we would get a couple of more to watch with the next gen wars heading our way. But with G4 going to hell why would anyone want to?

First of all it was called G4TechTV when I started watching the channel. Back then you had a good quality of shows to watch. You had my fav. of them all, Icons which I would have to say is number two, Electric Playground, Arena, X-Play, Cinematech. These shows kept me informed on games and news in the industry. Plus a show full of nothing but game trailers! Man, what more could a gamer ask for? Then you also had Players which I thought is a great concept and should be gettting new esp. and looking at Diana Miztoa wasn't a problem either on Filter. Even though it has nothing to do with gaming the Anime Unleashed wasn't bad either.

So when they made the changed to G4 Videogame TV I thought yea they are heading into the right direction by keeping it new. They added great shows like Cheat! and Attack of The Show. Well Attack of the Show was gear more towards the Tech TV part but it is a good shows if you catch it on the right day.  You can't forget Training Camp either which I think was a great add on to G4. I just hope they go out to extreme sports. But during this upgrade they gave us shows that are good but has nothing to do with gaming. Street Fury and Brainiac; brought back the The Man Show and added Fast Lane to the line up. Recently added Star Trek. Now I'm not saying these are not great shows its just that I thought it was called Videogame TV? Now that The Show isn't coming on anymore I wonder what is going to be the fate of G4TV?

Check back next week when I give you the details on what I think should be done in order to bring back the glory that was G4 Videogame TV!