With the new rating giving to GTA: San Andreas. You have to wonder if the Gov. is getting involve into something they know nothing about?
Back when Mortal Kombat came out there wasn't a ESRB. So games could be sold to anyone. But the Gov. came in and said that these games are too violent and something needs to be done. Instead of having the Gov. rate games, the industry came up with the ESRB.
Now we are back in the hot seat as the Gov. has got involved AGAIN! These times its because of a mod in GTA: San Adreas. In this mod. CJ is having sex. Ok, sex really isn't that bad right? Instead of letting the ESRB do there job, the Gov. put their two cents in. Not only did the Gov. get involve but policitians as well. Thinking this will give them a boost in votes saying violent videogames are destroying our youth.
The main problem with this is that everyone is pointing the finger at the Video Game Industry. Instead they should be pointing the finger at themselves. On the front and back of EVER game is a rating. If you child is not over the age of 17, then DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!! That really kills me, when parents say that the game is targeting kids when it is not since it has a Mature rating on the cover. How is that targeting kids? The only way these kind of games gets into kids hands is by the parents. Kids can't walk into a retail store and buy these games. No retail store will let them.
So when should the line be drawn when something like this happens again? Trust me it will. Well for one thing, the Gov. should be more worried about other things. Hunger, porverty, gas shortage. These are the things that is affecting ALL of America. Games only affect a percentage of America. The main reason I think the Gov. gets involved in these things is to show people that they are trying to "save" their children. In doing so, more people will vote for them. Is this bashing on videogames all about getting votes? Or do the Gov. really have a problem with violent games? You tell me.