If you don't know today is my birthday. I'm now the age of 22. Its a beautiful thing to be here on God's green earth for 22 years. Hitting the age of 22 makes me think of a lot of things. The things I have done in the past and the things I have plan to do in the future.
I remember playing my NES shooting at the screen while playing duck hunt. SuperNES playing Super Mario while riding the different yoshis. My Sega Genesis playing the football game of Joe Montana and also knocking heads in Mortal Kombat. Getting my dreamcast and beening amazing at the graphics of Soul Calibur, NFL 2k, and NBA 2k. The PS2 with NBA Street and GTA III. Now that game really changed a lot of things in the industry. Getting the Xbox for just two games: Halo and Halo 2! But with the edition of Jade Empire I think it was worth it.
Now with the next gen on the way and me not having a 360; yet. I can't wait to see what I will be playing when I hit the age of 23. Will I be enjoying the latest edition of Madden on my PS3 or sniping dudes off on Halo 3? Only time will tell and I can't wait for it to speak! So Happy Birthday to me, Nemesis, Tha Future King of Gaming!