So for my first few blogs back to the world of gamespot, I've decieded to go with Games I love, Games I began to hate, and future games on my radar. Starting of course with the title(see above).
1) Infamous
This game, THIS GAME! When I first got it, I expected it to be good, but I didn't expect it to be THIS good. I'm not gonna bother going into story details or gameplay details, because if you don't know about this game, well, you make me sad. As a PS3 exclusive, Sucker Punch and Sony delivered. This is probably the only game I can think of in recent memory that I beat and immeadiatly started playing again the next day. Being both good and evil had their advantages. Personally I prefered being good, evil was fun though. This will also probably be the first game I get a platinum in(I actually need 2 trophies before I get it I believe). If you haven't played this yet, do yourself a favor...AND PLAY IT. Also F*** PROTOTYPE!
2) Fallout 3
Ah yes, Fallout 3 is my number 2. A year ago I beat it the first time, and I loved it. Now, with trophies and DLC(finally!) I decieded "Hey I wanna play that again!" and I STILL love it. The game offers you so much choice, you wanna be stealthy? Check! You wanna melee? Check! Assault rifles? Check! Missle Launchers? Check! The list goes on forever. One of the most enjoyable(and frustrating for some people) aspects is the fact its non linear. Don't wanna do the main mission right away..don't. Wanna pick up every single side quest then do them, sure. Hell, now with the DLC, you can get outta the vault, do ALL (except one) of the DLC before you even start any of the main missions. Now thats variety of choices. What makes this game double great to me, is my wife enjoys watching me play it. And that my friends makes it a winner.
3) The Beatles: Rock Band
I don't know if you guys heard of these four kids from Liverpool, England; John, Paul, George, Ringo - The Beatles. Yea, I know they are some new band. Seriously though, I love The Beatles, and this was a breath of fresh air. The game plays more like the old guitar heros in the sense that there is no world tour. Its also easier than most rock band songs(mostly because they weren't the jaw dropping musicians most think they were). But I don't care. This is actually the only game I'll sing in, and not feel embarassed. Actually, I do pretty well even on hard(not at expert yet). And to further show The Beatles dominance, I have a friend who is big into r&b/rap, and well, even he loves The Beatles now. They are truly a timeless band, that people of all ages can enjoy. I'm trying to convince my wife to buy me the anthology for christmas. If you are a fan of these guys, do yourself a favor, get this game. And in case you are all wondering, my favorite Beatle is Paul(its a bassist thing)