I haven't posted one of these in a long time, I figured today was a good day to start.
First, Happy Easter to all my practicing and non practicing juedo-christian friends. I hope your days with your family are good and happy.
Next up, I've been on a gaming splurg since I last wrote a blog. I've bought Killzone 2, Uncharted, Burnout Paradise, Valkryia Chronicles, Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, and Prince of Persia(which I do not enjoy). I still can't believe my wife let me spend all that money(it was probably over a 1.5 month period). Needless to say, I've had a great time playing those games(except PoP). Killzone 2 was visually amazing(look for me to write a review on it this week), Uncharted's twist blew my mind(and I did not mind it), Burnout is such destructive fun!!, VC I honestly need to spend more time on. I reached a mission which kicked my ass and I haven't gotten around to grinding levels. Sonic brings back the fond memories of games I had/played when I was a child(golden axe I love you). PoP, *sigh* bores me to tears. Sorry fans of it.
In RL, I've been slightly depressed and I can't figure out why. Its getting sunnier(I can still see the sun at 930 at night now) and I'm getting sadder. Perhaps it has to do with two of the few friends I have up here are deploying. Maybe its because I've been working without leave since last June. Maybe I really DO miss VA(I doubt it). I feel bad for my poor wife, she has to put up with my sh*tty attitude. I really hope this all turns around. My supervisors allowed me to take some leave on my birth week(bday is april 20th). Hopefully, a week of no shaving and gaming and just being home will turn all things around.
How is everyone else doing? How have you all been?