After 3 weeks and 40 dollars later, I finally got Mass Effect working.
Turns out the problem the whole time was on my end. I should have researched better. I had to run the .exe as the admin since vista is a failure at life.
Sadly, it took me buying a hard copy online and whining to a friend for the problem to get solved. So Hunter, if you ever read this blog...thanks so much man. I'd say I love you...but I don't want you to think I'm gay =P
In other news, Air Force plays way too many war games. Can't go into details, but lets just say, I hate it and its a waste of damn time.
In the more important news of video games, Infamous is coming out soon. Can't wait. That is probably my biggest anticipated game this year(sans Killzone 2). I'll let you know how it turns out. Gonna write up some reviews for killzone uncharted and other things i've gotten recently that i've just been to lazy to review.(note: my reviews are nothing spectacular, but hey they are fun).