Before I start my count down, I wanna say happy holidays and happy new year to everyone. I hope everyone's year was good. I got some great news about ten days ago, I'm getting my early promotion in april(otherwise promotion would be in october). Go me!
Also, I'd like to thank Hazelnutman for my awesome profile banner and blog banner. Thanks so much man, you are amazing!
Finally, I will be starting my blog format tomorrow! Every friday I will do my best to post a blog either based on a game I am playing, a game I am excited for, or an article I read about a game some where. I hope you all enjoy and I look forward to reading your own blogs/comments.
Top 5 Games I Played This Year
5) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Probably most people's most anticpated game this year, COD:MW2 did not fail to deliver. So why so low on my list? TERRIBLE single player story. Was the game terrible? Far from it. The music selection was much better(no crappy rap songs written by no bodies), the battles actually made me feel like I was at war, it made me fear for my life(video game life). But the story made absolutely no sense. They did give you a chance to care about the characters you controled(except Soap who was in the first game). But everyone knows this game isn't about single player, its all about the multiplayer, and boy does it deliver. Even better than the last games mulitplayer, you still have level progressions. But you get a few needed additions. Deathstreaks(obtained by sucking and getting killed a lot w/o a kill yourself) and the awesome killstreaks!! Watch out for the tactical nuke. I'll be playing this game a lot in the near future.
4) Killzone 2
Two shooters in a row, and both amazing. The much anticpated PS3 title silenced all critics when it released. After the abysmal(according to reviews, no personal experience with it) first game, lots of hate was slung at this one by xbox fans. However, after the VERY VERY VERY long wait, it was finally released. When I said COD nailed the war feel, KZ was a million times its better. As I played through the levels of this game, I couldn't help but be nervous at every turn. Every flank by the enemy, every time they popped outta cover to rush me, it was intense. I regretfully did not play too much of the multiplayer, but what I did play I deeply enjoyed. Not to mention this game is a graphical beast. There is only one game I can think of with better graphics than KZ2...
3) InFamous
From the time this game out, until perhaps, a month ago, I honestly did not think a game could win my heart for game of the year. This was the BEST sandbox game I ever played. The story was brillaintly written, the progression was awesome. I loved how the people reacted to me when I was good/evil. Was it the perfect game? Far from it, there were some pop in problems. And playing the game on hard didn't exactly feel challenging. But as stated in a previous blog, this is the only game I can think of I beat, and played again right after beating it. I needed to know what else happened. I was desperate to try the other powers. And I truly felt like a hero as I played this game, and I loved that.
2) Dragon Age Origins (PC)
I put PC in paranthesis because this is the only game I played on PC outta the 5. But I think I need to put stock into Bioware, they have yet to release a game I didn't love. NWN, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect, and now DAO. The story is typical bioware, but what really makes it unique is the origins. They are all very different, and they will play a role in what happens later in the game(not a huge role). The fighting was vicious, the monsters were scary, the battles were tactical. Many times I tried to revert to my natural "Overwhelm them with sheer power" and got f-ed up. The only true downside to this game(besides the fact it had to end) was the standard tank/healer/dd format you almost had to follow to be successful. Could you manage to beat the game without a healer? Probably, but you'd be using more potions then I think you'd ever want to bother creating. As much as I am excited about ME2, I really hope bioware gives this game a sequel and don't jip it like they did jade empire.
1)Uncharted 2
I say this to everyone, and I honestly don't think they believe me, but this may be the best game I EVER played. Yep, I think it has moved into my top 5 of all time(Final Fantasy Tactics look out you may be number two after my second playthrough of this). I came into the Uncharted game late, I bought the first game earlier this year, hoping for a price drop, thinking one would never come(came right after my purchase big surprise). I loved the first game, even with the few flaws it had(gunplay was weak). However, this game made up for all the mistakes, and then some. The graphics were easily the best I've ever seen(sorry KZ2). And the story was deep and engaging. Was it the most original story? Probably not, but damn was it good. It kept me guessing the whole way through. I honestly think this may be my perfect game. The only let down I felt was mulitplayer, it could be because I was TERRIBLE at it, but since it won best multiplayer on IGN, I'll give it another shot. I could probably go on about this game all day, and probably mention how I secretly wish I was nathan drake. Damn this game was good.
That was my top 5. I hope you all enjoyed. What was your game of the year? What are you most excited about next year?