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thatSTERLINkid Blog

Review Hiatus.

Seeing as how I've gotten quite a bit of attention for my reviews, I figured it would be appropriate to post a blog explaining why I haven't been doing them lately, and don't plan on doing any for at least the next few months. The first and most ridiculous reason is the fact that I've had the worst case of writers block ever since spring semester has started. Even this blog took me much longer than usual to put together... In addition to that, I've also been extremely focused on and dedicated to my new (not really new, but finally using it again) YouTube Channel when I'm not doing anything related to school or socializing.

If you wish to continue following what I do, feel free to subscribe to my channel and spread the word! I do giveaways as I hit a certain amount of subscribers and upload on a regular basis. I even have a schedule for what I'm broadcasting and when, if you're interested. My hope is to return to reviewing games by the time my summer vacation starts, but if I can snap back into my mood and ditch this writers block sooner, that'd be awesome.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog, and I hope to be back around her for more than just commenting articles soon!