So along with trying a new title system for my posts, I have a few questions that I would like answered. I usually take up this blog with a game related topic, today however is an exception. From a certain stand point I suppose you could loosely tie this back to game relation but I am going to say for the record that its not. This is a personal message I am sending out. I just wanted to know a few things so I will address them here.
First and foremost, does anyone seriously read these blog posts. I mean, sure its cool to have a place to write down thoughts, but I can't expand upon my thoughts without feedback. As I am sure this post will show the trend, I have gotten ZERO feedback from anyone. What is up with that? Are my topics not good enough? Is my presentation flawed. I leave comments on stuff all the time. I have been a member for over a year now and I have not gotten a single comment. Why? I would like to know this, send me some feedback people.
Another thing, I have just started writing like serious reviews for games. I see what other people put up for reviews, atleast in most cases and it is like a paragraph or two. Some people are just stupid and put a mash up of letters forming no words at all, as is the case with a Warriors Orochi review, not to point fingers at people. How do they even get theirs posted on the site, is there no streaming/filter process. Its not even a review for crying out loud. Anyways back to the point, my reviews are serious and as professional as I can make them. I figure if you wanted a friends thoughts you would as a friend, since I don't have any, I try to put something down that is more detailed and helpful, as if the very thought of bying this game hangs in the balance. My game collection is extensive so I would have to go back and play all the games over again to give them a decent review, yea probably not going to happen, but hey maybe if I got some FEEDBACK I might put more effort into reviewing games. Just like to note a BIG THANK YOU goes out to the nine people who recommended my review for Warriors Orochi. I worked hard on it and it was THE FIRST user review of the game, I take pride in that but not as much pride as I take in NINE PEOPLE saying wow this guy writes a good review.
Also, I was wondering how do you put pictures in your blog posts? I saw some people do that and it looks like a good way to catch people into reading it. Atleast I did. And hyperlinks, how do you make a group of words a hyperlink to another page? Cause I would totally link to that godawful review so more people can say how unhelpful that is. Maybe if enough people say something it will be taken off!
What else? Did I mention I have been doing this for a year now? I have like level 15 which means whatever that means, who knows? Anyways, I see people with lower ratings getting reviews and me nothing. So this is to call you out. I know people look at this, atleast they look at my profile, had like a hundred or somthing like that so what gives, why no shout out or anything of that nature. I even multiple ways that you can comment, not just here, I have Yahoo Messanger, if you prefer, or even the PS3 handle right there in plain view. I thought that with this new title system maybe people will skim it and say Hmmm I wonder what questions he has. LET ME KNOW, also if its not too much trouble, I know they are long but show some love to my other topics, they feel neglected. You support is invaluable in the fight against boredom! THE POWER IS YOURS!!!!!