Though it may not be older then the GameSpot system for rating games, it is older then the rating redesign that took place a few months ago. I started my GameList Excell document some years ago and thus created a rating system for my games. The Excell document keeps them in nice neat order and gives them rating and a quick review along with some general info like developer publisher and number of players. Eventually I would like to put some time in with a nice VB compiler to put together a real stand alone program to keep track of my collection, but until then, this works for now. I give credit to GameSpot for the overall design of the decals but the scale is all mine. Here it is for your viewing pleasure:
There are not alot of games that get this devastating score. Only the most diabolical concotions worked up in a beurracratic office could possible merit such a poor performance in gaming.
This is given for atleast some sort of basic idea somewhere. I suppose the closest thing to it would be the phrase, "Points for trying."
You know those games that come out before movies and are entirely based on movies? Yea, most of those would fall into this catagory.
Also known as Broken. Games that just don't have the critical something that makes them a video game worth playing.
Now we are getting somewhere. Five puts you at something that is playable. Perhaps nothing that you would play again but atleast it has substance.
Finally something enjoyable. This rating is awarded to a game that presents an overall fun expirience that you actually enjoy playing.
Ever see Bill and Ted? Well anyways, more fun then you might have though, perhaps even in the degree of cutting some sleep time to get a few more hours of playtime in.
Now we are closing in on that almight score. An eight would be granted if you think about the game on the off time, trying to figure out that one way through some impossible situation.
A top scorer and a must play. These games take a base and expand upon it somehow. Or, they take an idea and implement it in some new and ingenious way.
Finally the heavy hitters. These games do just as it describes, revolutionize the standard. Games people will be tlaking about for years, they bring something new to offer to the evolving industry.
So there you have it. Four low scores, one middle, four high and one reserved for the best of the best. Thats the way my scale is done. So next time you see a rating or review by me, keep in mind that I work off my own grading scale not GS's. Not that there is anything wrong with theirs, I just like mine better. Till next time.