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No. XXII: The SimExchange

The SimExchangeI don't know if any of you people have ever heard of this site but if you haven't allow me to enlighten you. Basically its a simulated stock market based entirley off of video games. You buy shares of a game that you think will do well and the more people who buy into it after you, the higher the value of the shares you buy. I am by no means a stock trading guru, nor do I even understand the technical mumbo jumbo of stock markets. I do however understand that Star Wars Force Unleashed will draw alot of hype. So basically, with a knowledge of games and the ability to tell if a game is going to be good, you could be well on your way to virtual millions. Its real easy to start to, just fill out a quick registration thingy HERE and off you go. They spot you a million to start so you can immediately start making some investments. They do have some joint accounts with other game related websites, GameSpot unfortuantely isn't one of them. One thing that is strange though is this thing called a time trust. This is what makes it highly unrealistic. Basically some money gets deposited into this trust every hour or something and it goes up to 25 thousand. The thing is, it caps at 25,000 so if you don't use it right away, it sits there and you lose money. Anyways, I read about this in a GameSpot news article months ago and was immediately fascinated with the idea of trading stocks on games that I think about anyways. Its all free and everything too so whats to lose? I mean you come to GameSpot to get info on games so you must be a gamer yourself right? Why not make some fake money on the side? It's a win win. I just thought this was so cool that I had to tell people. Try it out, its great! Till next time.