Calendar years change, video games come and go, and the busy-ness of the holidays has finally come to a close. I realized today that I have neglected my poor blog as well as my GameSpot game collection in general. It has been some time since I have updated all this outdated information once and for all. Therefore I have made the first attempt at reconciling this blunder with a simple and informative blog post to let you know what is and what is yet to be. First the what is.
Put simply, video games are the "what is." I have aquired Rock Band, finally, and I have seen the awesomeness that comes bundled into that 170 dollar package. Of course, my guitar did crap out on me while playing the 6th from the last song, (Green Grass and High something or other) I wonder how many other people have had this problem? Oh thats right, a hell of a lot! So I moved onto the drums. Mother alive that foot pedal is hard to get going. Easy was a breeze. I started having difficulty when the pedal was hit in between notes and just before or after them. My brain goes on with the tempo of my hands but then my foot says, "Hey wait now, I got some spots coming up, you just forget about your precious reds, blues, yellows, and greens becasue the orange is in the house." Yeah, needless to say they don't get along very well, but I am having some counseling sessions with them to work out their differences. Wow that metaphor when on way longer then it should have.
Ahh Orange Box. When did it get this bad? Poor Orange Box got swept to the side like some used candy wrappers or something else unpleasent when come across. The games on that disc are amazing, and for my credit, I did complete the core game, Half-Life 2 along with the tremednous Portal. Then I started the episodes and it just all fell apart. I caught myself doing other things with the infamous, "I will get right back to that soon" attitude that has marked the doom for uncontinued games everywhere. Well one day I shall rectify that misstep towards the dark side but not yet. There are many other games to play.
Unreal Tournament III has made it's blood-bathy, heart-racing, and utter chaotic insanity-y way into my collection.(I am aware most of those aren't real words) Man that game is sweet. Not only does it look just amazing, but it also brings the fast paced, shoot first question later attitude that is the halmark of the game back to the station. No doubt there will be a box version but for now its all PS3 in the console world and people are playing it. Even with it being "just another shooter" it brings action and chaos to a new level and provides a unique experience like no other. Unfortunately if you are looking for the review, it isn't up yet. Why you ask? Well like Orange Box, whiose review is 3/4 done, I was just waiting on the episodes, UT3 has been shuffled out of the mix before it was completed. Yes yes, sad tidings indeed. I promise that I will rectify that as well. But until then, how bout more games?
Medal of Honor: Heroes for the PSP is the first itteration of the now doubled PSP spin-off of EA's famous WWII shooter. I haven't really done much aside from pop it in, play a few moments of it, comment on the adjustment of controls, then take it out again. Sorry MOH heads, but I haven't even beaten the first level let alone thought about the review for it. What can I say, on top of 2007 having a record number of games that I must have at some point, and getting some for X-mas, I just havn't had the means for sit trough an entire story line from any game. But on to more pressing news, um, more games!
Guitar Hero I, II, and Encore have been taking up a good chunck of my time. I recently was able to rope a new player into the games and she loves them. We play coop as well as face off, seeing as it is the only mode in I, and she has a good old time with it. I actually had to lend out my three games, along with the PS2 and Guitar to play them with so she can get as good as me. It does warm my heart to turn people onto new and exciting games. It may even go as far as to get her own copies along with a system and pariphrial to play them with. We shall see. I will take my check now Sony and Neversoft for giving you another drop in the bucket. And now for something completely different: Games
As yoou may have noticed under my now playing list you will find 24: The Game. I own all the seasons and was rewatching them, pretending that I wasn't pissed that it didn't start up in January like originally predicted, and I planned to run through the game between 2 and 3 to get the full effect. Well in theory a good idea, it didn't play out that way. I got to season 3 and had the game all set up and then nothing. Yep, nothing happened. I wasn't able to get started becasue I was so busy with other games. I didn't even start season 3. So I am stuck at that juncture. The bright spot, when I do manage to dig myself out of this game vortex of procrastination, I will have a spankin' new review for a game that is, what 4 years old? Something to look forward to I assure you.
All that leaves is the yet to be. Well along with reviews of Rock Band, UT3, Medal Of Honor Heroes, 24, and Orange Box (Maybe even a Guitar Hero review in there) I plan to finally finish the Ender series of books by Card. This has nothing to do with the announcement of the game coming out, I rahter dislike the idea of a game designed on the little battle game that is in the book and not the story of Ender itslef. I made it through Speaker of the Dead and was moving onto Children of the mind when I just needed a break. Both Ender's Game and Speaker of the Dead are exceptional works of science fiction and highly recommended by myself. Along with reading those, I have plans on aquiring more of the fantastic outcry of games from 2007 and when I do get them and play through you can expect a big ol' fat review right here. Now if there will be anything else, I am going to get some Pizza! Take it easy peoples.
UPDATE: Work has begun on the 30 days of posting that I mentioned back in August(?) I already have the topics down and so work is well underway. Plan is to have all 30 of 'em typed up and ready to go so I can copy/paste them one a day. So I will try to type them all up in Feb and post them in March. Keep checking back, looks like March is the release window for the Month of posting, I will let you know how it turns out! File that on the yet to be catagory up there.