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No. XXV: Still No Posting.

Together again eh? March already too. It is hard to believe that February has come and gone so quickly, course it is a tad shorter then most months too. Well I know what your thinking, where are my posts. Answer; there aren't any, not at the moment at least. I know there was crazy talk and my head was full of insane ideas of posting madness (see last post,) but frankly, time has a way of sticking it to you. So, unfortunately for us all, there is no month of posting to be had for March. I did make some progress though, just none that I can speak of at the moment. I want to do justice to this little collection that I am planning so I can't hurry it on out the door. I have 29 good topics to write upon, one shy of my mark, and I have been thinking and pondering them. Along with the mounds of research I will have to do, linking to sites and imputing pictures, it is going to be quite a feat to be held. Anyways I have been busy this month, but have no fear I shall accomplish what I set forth to do. Now perhaps onto other matters.

What have I been playing this past month? Well lets see, I don't remember when I started or finished it, but Rogue Galaxy has been knocked out. That there is a well rounded RPG with everything you would want. For my full thoughts on it, check the link. What else…. Rock Band. Yea. I have played me some Rock Band. That is by far the greatest example of replay value I have come across in my many years. Aside from the fact that you have to shell out bucks to get said replay value, it is so easy to drop 2 bucks on a song, I mean its two dollars! One can barely buy a candy bar with that much money, personally I would rather get the song. Sid Meier's Pirates! on PSP was a great game too. I plowed through that recently, at least since the last time we met. Once again those who click the link will gain the privilege to know my true feelings on that title. I have 24: The Game out to play, I have played through it once before mind you, but I haven't gotten around to that. Scratch that, I put it in to see how long I was going to be in for, played the first level and boom, those bad controls hit me. I thought to myself, "Do I really feel like fighting with bad controls right now?" That was the end of that. I will get through it, don't worry. The significant other here found herself quite a game. Yea, I will just leave it at that save for making the comment that it is not for me and I have not played it, nor will I for it is not my type (Dang, heaven forbid you let me say s.t.y l.e) of game. She likes sim games and she couldn't resist seeing what it was about. There is one other title that I am playing but that rolls over to the next paragraph so I will tend to it in there. That covers the what am I playing segment that is customary in these types of situations. Onto the real meat of the post.

Twisted Metal: Head On Extra Twisted Edition. Gosh dang that is a beast of a title. So I don't know if any of you die hard Tuesday fans remember but way back in post No. XIII (somewhat appropriate) I talked about my disappointment that there was no Twisted Metal for the PS3 launch. Some things are just supposed to go together. PlayStation had the original Twisted Metal, PS2 had Twisted Metal Black (my favorite) PSP, well who cares about that, they at least got one eventually, but PS3 is the odd man out. Sad tidings indeed. Well guess what? That post is an example of someone who doesn't do any proper research before they open their opinionated mouth. Turns out that there was a reason the series died with Black. (Not counting Head On of course) and now I know more about it. I may not know everything that is going on, but I do know that David Jaffe is the mastermind behind TM: Black and therefore he is the man I want behind the seat of my next installment. Luckily for myself and "metal heads" (Jaffe's term I think) we will be sinking our "sweet tooth" (pun intended) into another some more fierce, non-stop, car carnage. At least if Jaffe has anything to say about it, and say something about it he did. There is the secret code in the game itself, (TM:HOETE), the short little video on YouTube and the nonchalant off the cuff comments here or there that he makes. It's coming people, better fasten your seatbelts. Okay I am done being corny now. Needless to say I am super excited to see him "blow the f'ing roof off of if" as he put it here. That about wraps that up and that is about all the time I have. I will continue on my work and post up some more reviews (hopefully soon) on the games that I am playing to keep you loyal, faithful fans coming back for more. Until next we meet, take it easy peoples.

NOTE: I am using Microsoft Word to type up my post and then copy/paste onto this window so if the spacing is all crazy thats why.