What is the White Box of Magic you may wonder to yourself? Well, part of me feels that if you need to ask that question then you don't belong on this site. Nevertheless those who are a step behind the rest, yes we have acquired our Wii. The time was right and the opportunity was there so nature took its course. So how has our lives changed? Well funny you should ask. The thing to remember here is the control. Going from gaming from the lap, where your control sits idle and there is hardly any movement to speak of, to full on movement control, that ladies and gents is a transition.
The first thing that I noticed immediately is that it is hard as crap to keep that pointer steady. This makes the point and click keyboard that is used for inputting names a pain. Especially when you are trying to put the correct WEP password to access your wireless network. Yeah, well after spending far too long trying to figure out why I couldn't get online, I found that there is a sensitivity setting. Well after toning it all the way down, I finally found a bit of a groove to set into. The other main problem with the point and click method is if you go a little too far to a side, boom, you lost your pointer. Where did it go? I don't know, off to the void somewhere. Well it takes a few passes to find it again. Annoying to say the least. But hey, as with every console, it just takes some getting used to. It wouldn't be fair to judge the console before you have given it the customary adjustment period.
So how bout that Wii Sports you ask? Well, that is some kind of fun. As most of the guys have figured out by now, the boxing mini game is the best. Sure there are others, (Golf, Bowling, Baseball, Tennis) but boxing is the one that stands out. The only one that comes close to being worth the while is bowling, and lets face it, at its best, bowling is only semi fun. No, nothing is quite like bobbing and weaving going toe-to-toe with some random Mii. Now there are other titles out that take a crack at being the definitive boxing game for the Wii, but none really do any more justice to the experience then Wii Sports does. As for said experience, well, lets just say a lazy person like myself worked up quite a sizeable sweat jabbin' and punchin'. This equals out to the inability to really play it the next day. Between that and the pitching in Baseball, my arms were shot.
So what to do? Virtual Console, duh! I was finally able to play a game that I thought I would never get to see thanks to the power of said console. Yes of course I speak of the mythical Streets of Rage 3. Being an owner of the first two in the original glory, and pointing out the fact that it was a staple in my very growing up, I was finally able to see what this the final chapter of the Streets trilogy was all about. I couldn't rate it fairly in today's day and age because I don't think I would rate it very high and that's just not fair since it is one of my most cherished franchises. (I did point out at some point in time that they should bring this one back to the big leagues, and I am not alone on this, I mean, Golden Axe??? Why not SoR?) At any rate, it was something to do without worrying about strain in the extremities.
Where does that leave me now you ask? Well if you really must know, someone purchased the smashing VC title, Harvest Moon for the SNES. (No seriously, not me, it was the Mrs.) Have you heard of this game? Apparently there are like a zillion of these around though how I managed to stay oblivious is beyond me. I am not going to go into it too much at the moment because I plan on typing up full thoughts on it a bit later when I have completed it. It won't be a full blown review, I feel funny about doing reviews for titles outside of the Sony regime, call me a fan boy if you must. (I would like to point out that I don't flood the site with anti Microsoft fluff). No, it will be another Kotaku look-alike I really admire their review structure. So look for that soon.
The only other thing on the agenda is buying up some Wii games. I have a bunch of great titles on a list here that I need to get into. Okay, okay, so the list isn't terribly long, but hey, makes it all the easier to get through it. Needless to say that Galaxy is high on that list. Anyways, that's the state of the business here. Check back for the full thought and opinions on Harvest Moon soon. Other then that, just playing some games. Till next time.