and now that's it, it's over, I'm done with the ps1 era Final Fantasies. It has been quite an experience this past year. Starting out with Final Fantasy 7 in February and finally experiencing the game that's been hyped over to this day, to Final Fantasy 8 the love-it-or-hate-it game, and finally the commonly overlooked Final Fantasy 9, just a few days before the start of September. Now I can put the first 9 Final Fantasies behind me.
I now have only 10 and 12 left on the ps2, and am quite excited for the upgraded graphics. No longer will I have to suffer from jaggy or blocky 3d models. No longer will I have to look upon 2d sprites (cute as they may be). Now, as I have mentioned before, this will be the start of me shelving away my very dissapointing ps3 in favor of my friend's ps2 slim, in which I will play a number of great rpg's.
I mean, I have to say I feel like such an idiot now for buying a ps3. I mean wireless controllers has been an awsome experience and I will sorrowly miss that, but the console itself is just garbage. I mean why did developers leave Sony? Just cause Microsoft has all the money in the world to throw around doesn't mean they should shun away gamers that have been sticking with them for two whole generations, ever since the playstation 1.
I mean, look at the lineup for that 360 console, that which can break so easily (even with this alleged chip that will partially fix the RRoD problem or whatever: you have the recently released Tales of Verspia by the traitorous Namco, and it seems to be like one of the better tales games. Then you have this Infinite Discovery by Square Enix as well as Star Ocean, which are both exclusive for the 360. Oh but hey we get FF 13 right? WRONG!! Not only is FF 13 going to be a multi-plat, it's also going to be delayed for US shores solely b/c Square are going to be porting the game over to 360. So we don't even get this "timed exclusive" garbage that everyone's been muttering about. I mean it's bad enough that the there's even less reason for a gamer to get a ps3, now less developers will be inclined to make a solid effort with their games.
I mean the ps3's supposed to be this big powerhouse right? It's supposed to give us photo-realistic graphics with blu-ray and everything right? but I keep feeling the graphics aren't up to par with what I thought "next gen" was going to be about, and I blame it on the 360, which has less graphical capability than the ps3 (seeing as how EVERY game is now multi-plat, and more often than not the 360 version always seems to be superior in one way or another). I mean look at the ps1 and ps2 game Final Fantasies, they've always pushed the hardware to its limits. Final Fantasy 10 is a game that came out in 2001, yet it has beautiful graphics, not to mention phenomenal cgi cutscenes that really captivate your attention; more so than the last 3 FF's to be sure. What exclusive are we getting from Microsoft or rather the 360? Bioshock. A shooter. Big whoop. I can't believe I ever thought Sony would lead this gen, or rather, would not suck. That'll teach me to do even MORE research before I buy a console, and wait a few months (that's all it took for me to notice, a few months) before I see how badly it will suck.
If only Sony did not drop backwards compatibilty... Don't give me bull about hardware costs and being cheap. I know Sony are poor; I mean they were really only able to sell 140 million or so ps2 units, that's not enough money to survive on right? and the Spiderman movies haven't grossed that much money for Sony, the poor fellows. I mean dropping ps2 compatibility when it was the best thing that ever happened to them... I just don't get it. The ps2 itself succeeded with the fact that it had backwards compatibilty, and one of the gamecube's biggest flaws. I guess Nintendo took a leaf out of Sony's book, and Sony decided to follow in Nintendo's footsteps by failing on their third gen running.
I mean I don't care if not a single exclusive ever comes out for the ps3, but the fact that I could play all of last gen's games with a wireless controller and without hassle would be enough for me to get the ps3, since I am incredibly behind with last gen's games. But alas, all has not worked in my favor
Who's really supporting the ps3 right now? Resistance 2, little small planets, GOW 3, MAG and whatever. All by SCEA. They have to pull their own weight, no developer wants to bother with the ps3 system. Half of those titles I could never muster the urge to play, seeing as I'm a casual gamer myself who's only interested in rpg's, and top quality ones at that, the kind that Square has always delivered to us in the past.
If, and only if, I can sell my horrible 40 GB bundle (the one with the unbelievably dissappointing Spiderman 3) for the 80 GB bundle, then I'll be happy, seeing as how it still can play SOME ps2 games, and I'm willing to bet FF 10 and 12 are one of them. I only really got the 40 GB in my haste to play FF 7, and a week later or so I found out about the MGS 4 bundle... talk about a rip-off.
I'm just glad I've been smart with the psp. Holding out on the psp 2000 has been a wise decision, seeing as there's a new one recently announced. At least the psp has Square Enix support, not just SCEA themselves, so that's good. I'll buy one when the Kingdom Hearts game comes out, and I'm sure by that time there'll be ANOTHER iteration of Sony's mediocre handheld, so I'll probably get that as well.
All in all I'm completely dissappointed in myself for not being smart with my purchase, and hopefully I can rectify my mistake. If not, then my ps3 is going to be in the closet for a year and a half, while I play last gen games on the ps2. By that time FF 13 will have arrived and Versus 13 will have a tentative release date, so hopefully it will all work out for the best. Don't expect Sony to succeed next gen, you can count on that. Their time has passed, and I can only hope Nintendo don't drive themselves to the ground with the casual/ shovelware epidemic they have.
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