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I hope Final Fantasy 9 will be better than 8...

I was really dissapointed with Final fantasy 8 near the end, it just wasnt my type of rpg. It's great that at the time Square tried to do something different, but I didnt like it much, even though I enjoyed the story a bit.

But now I'm done with it and have put it behind me, so it's off to play Final fantasy 9! Here's hoping it's better, since it supposedly had the best graphics at the time and, apparently, had an evil villian that could rival kefka (I implore you to play Final Fantasy 6, it is awsome). I'm just glad it went back to a traditional battling system (when in doubt, level grind!!!... yeah yeah I know, but that's how I play, so sue me) with still a bit of customization, and the job system is back!

So far so good, though the load times for battles are really long, and are proving to be quite irksome. After this game, I'm going to have to shelve my ps3 for awhile (no complaints really, the console is a bitter dissapointment concerning current games) and then pick up my friend's ps2 slim, to play Final Fantasy 10 and 12!!!

As well, I might consider a few other games for the time that I will own his ps2. Should I consider picking up the two Tales games, Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Legendia? I dont know, I enjoyed Phantasia and Symphonia, but Tales of Eternia left me feeling... frustrated, to say the least. I'd also like any other rpg's that are AAA, so that by the time I've had my fill with them, Final Fantasy 13 and Versus will have already arrived for the ps3! (and any other rpg's if developers still choose to make games for the rather failing console)