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The true story of The Moderators

-Reader Discretion is Advised-
A long time ago, in a house far, far away,(probably in their parents basement)
were your normal, everyday nerd who humored theirselves by posting on forums, such as gamespot,
but, after being in their basement for so long,they wanted a sense of power. And that is how the reign of The Moderators began....*dum, dum, dum, dum, dummmmmmm*
They emailed Bethany, the aAll-Knowing One. Secretly, they wanted to control things,but they told Bethany
they wanted to make the gamespot boards a better, cleaner place.........So she let them
*dum, dum, dum, dum, dummmmmmm*
At first, they were satisfied with their power, but then..............SPAM!................they became a shell of what they used to be, but now, they were empty on the inside, forced to post only if they had to after a locked topic.........
But there was someone different........his name was........Omni-Slash.......he was one of the precious few moderators who would regularly posted........and he was admired........but give it time, my friends, for i fear Spam shall eventually taint him, too...*tear*

For humorous purposes only
Copyright the-internet, 2005