Man, one thing that bugs me are all the pansies who complain about DMC being too hard. It's not our fault you didn't get good at video games when stuff like Contra 1 was out. Man, if you were good at that game, then you were good. DMC isn't that tough if you're not absoutely terrible at life. I'm bad compared to lots of people, but I've played through all 3 games and haven't complained and said "GOD!!!11 THIS IS TOO HARD!!!11" It's fun. If you can't play through a game, and realize you're doing something wrong, or if it's too easy that you beat it in one sitting, then you either suck and are playing really bad games, or you're a God, like me.
DMC is good BECAUSE it's so hard. I don't wanna be able to go through 5 levels in 20 minutes. DMC is a game that can be savored as you get your *** handed back to you again and again and again. That's a sweet game right there. Kasavin said it best: it's rare that a game makes you feel special for actually beating it anymore.
Suck it up, pansies. Don't play if it's "too hard" and quit moaning about it.