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Gwave Wising and Holiday Gaming

Oh my... has it really been 2 months since I last posted an entry? Far too long, I tell you. I've been pretty much working day in and day out since I've gotten my new job, and watching TV can't be much better than this! It's great, but hopefully I can clear up some bills and start living a normal life again. I'm trying to fit some games in my schedule - as you can tell if you listen to the Trigames.NET podcast I can pretty much count the number of games I play per week on one hand. BUT...

The holidays are approaching and that means all the hot games of 2008 should be dropping soon! Only question is, what are the hot games? If you've got a game coming out between October and December that is really worth your while, discuss it! I'm definitely looking forward to the Warcraft expansion (obviously) but on the non-MMO side I can't really name too much that I'm dead-set on spending my money on.

I've been doing a lot of music-oriented stuff, mainly going to concerts and working with my band. A couple of weeks ago I went to see Yngwie Malmsteen. If you don't know who he is, he's one crazy dude who has pretty much mastered many elements of guitar playing and practically introduced shredding. I've got some pix and videos at my guitar blog for the world to see.

To close out this post, I'm almost done with Final Fantasy IV DS and I'm trudging through the end parts of Baten Kaitos. I just bought Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles and Order of Ecclesia so the queue just got a bit longer. I believe that I will be playing some Apollo Justice on my DS next while exploring Xenogears (yes!) when I get the chance. Please also stop by MrCHUP0N's blog and send in some mail for this weekend's podcast! I miss all of your wonderful questions!