If there's anything to be said about MadWorld, it's got some entertaining voice acting and scripting. The commentary, especially during the boss fights, is colorful and snicker-inducing. I enjoy the color commentary, essentially the banter between the commentators about each other, such as which and how many guys have slept with one of their wives. Things like that also have continuity where in later stages they revisit the topic, making you feel like you're a part of the live audience in real time. The commentary even goes so far as to make fun of the developers during the ending credits. Exactly what they say would be spoilerific, but I loled a lot.
So yes, I finished MadWorld. Total game time was a bit over 3 hours, but I did spend much longer than that playing. Very few of the stages were difficult, and the final levels were certainly challenging. I will visit the game again for the Hard mode, and I bet it's gonna be a rough ride. I think I'll do that when I play Ninja Gaiden II and Chaos Legion. Next on the list is Okami for Wii, while finishing the last level of Too Human.
As a final note, the Black Baron is the best character in MadWorld, hands down.