My new personal best: 60% complete (failed).
Spent a lot of time on it Friday night alternating with MrCHUP0N (he finished it once). I feel like it's a completely random chance that I will hit the notes necessary to keep alive through solos B and C. I'm still working on trying to learn how it works.
Purchased Oblivion on Friday night, too. I said to myself that I wouldn't buy it because I have way too many games to play, but I couldn't resist when I found a co-worker's status as online and playing it. I played for about 2 hours and made egress through the prison and sewers, then found the Priory. I made a Breton Battlemage and I'm thinking about just trying to complete the main story before fooling around and really getting into the nooks and crannies of Oblivion. I played Morrowind by just fooling around all the time and I didn't get anywhere in it, so I felt that I needed a change.
To Edubuccaneer: apologies for not being available last night! We (MrC and I) went to Six Flags Great Adventure and following that, my girlfriend wanted to go out. You know how that goes...