Finished Zelda Minish Cap yesterday. Pretty entertaining, esp. at the end. I do most certainly hate the way they set up blastable walls in this game, as I have been genuinely stuck for hours trying to get past two parts of the game because it wasn't visually clear that a wall (or part thereof) was susceptible to bombs. Remote bombs do rock, though!
As of this writing, I am playing Tactics PSP (Chapter 2, grinding job levels), Contra 4 (Stage 5 on Normal), Baten Kaitos (8 hours in), and am kinda stalled on my other games. Those would be Ninja Gaiden Black - i'm taking a hiatus on badass beat-em ups - and Star Wars TCS for 360. I was playing Chapter 3 in Episode 4 and somehow ran into a point where I could play no further because C3PO can't jump. I'll probably give it a whirl later today.
The Summer of Finishing Games continues!