In Zelda: Breath of the Wild, if you shoot an arrow while mid-air, time slows down. The Sonic series desperately needs to utilize a similar mechanic.
The ultra-fast play-style introduced in the daytime stages of Sonic Unleashed were an amazing breath of fresh air, but it's still not enough. The best way to enjoy those levels is to memorize them so you aren't going from the speed of sound to absolute ZERO when you crash into something, but not being able to enjoy a level the first time you play it is a huge disappointment. Memorizing levels like this is cumbersome, time-consuming, and discouraging.
What they need to do is create some kind of stamina meter specifically for slowing down time. For example, you're running ultra fast through some new Sonic stage and have to make a hard right turn. You could then press whatever button activates the slow motion, use it at the right time so you can see what's coming next and plan accordingly, then let go of the button to return things to real time and continue the stage. This stamina meter will replenish itself when not in use.
I think this is what the series really needs. Otherwise these levels that are supposed to be played at high speeds become a stop and go disaster until memorized.
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