the_keebler_elf's forum posts
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]Freespace 3!dnuggs40
I think this is the best one yet. Seriously, we are in dire need of a top notch space combat sim, and what better series to reinvigorate the genre then the Freespace series.
Freespace 2 is still one of my all time favorite space sim.
Hm...never tried out Freespace 2. But, I remember playing Freelancer a couple of years back. It was a fun space simulator. So I believe somebody should create another Freelancer.
Anybody think it's a good idea to make another Soldier of Fortune game? I sure hope they do. It'd be awesome to be able to shoot the limbs off your enemies.
I hope that somebody creates another Aliens vs. Predator game. The first two were awesome. But do not include the story from Aliens vs. Predator The Movie. That sucked horribly, had no originality to it.
I agree with Cube. Amazing movie plot (agree on the bad acting part :P ). Did any of you see Cube: Zero?
I would like to see Pan's Labyrinth recieve a proper game treatment. I would imagine it could have two basic game play modes. First, you could play as a member of the rebels fighting the fascist scum. Probably more like you standard FPS, but would involve a lot of subterfuge and stealth, then larger encounters would be based on surprise attacks and ambushes. Good gorilla warfare stuff! Second part would revolve around the little girl. I imagine the game play to be similar to American McGee's Alice. Basically roam around these fantastical worlds, collecting items and solving puzzles.
BTW, if you never have seen Pan's Labyrinth, do yourself a favor and rent it from Blockbuster. A truly amazing movie, and imo, right up there with LOTR in the fantasy department. Smartly acted on all fronts, with a truly amazing story and production values. To warn you, it is actually a spanish film, so the you will have to watch the movie with sub-titles. Don't let that detur you, I promise it is a good movie.
Actually, I bought that movie Pan's Labyrith in Spanish. Is it in English also? Anyways, it was a good movie I enjoyed it even though I was reading the subtitles along the way.
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