1. Watch every new episode that comes on the first day it premieres (this is optional, since ppl usually have activities on Friday)
2. Buy the entire season 1 and 2 on DVD (season 2 will probably will all be out before 2008)
3. Watch important episodes again and again until your eyes bleed like h3ll!
4. Support your ship the most you can by BELIEVING BEFORE THEY HAPPEN!!!
5. Jump like my pet mental hog-monkey if your ship comes true.
6. Be on the Avatar Forum website page on every day!!
Those are my Avatar resolutions, the first one was because I didn't watch every episode. I completely missed all the episodes until I watched SotFN then I got into this show me the name. I watched the show's re-runs every day to find any episode I haven't seen. That was my 3/4 of the way goal for 2006, and I watched them ALL BABY!!
Peace out, hang loose, and God bless!!