It may seem I'm gone for good, but fear not! I ocasionally come back to see if new info on Avatar came yet. Man, when is it going to show?! Anyway, here are some news things for me, whup-de-f***ing-do, yeah I got that from Red vs Blue:
1. I beat Resistance: Fall of Man for the PS3 not too long ago and liked it. The thing I liked about the ending is that it made it look like a cliffhanger in a way, since only the Chimera in Britain were defeated. Welp, only the rest of Europe and Russia to go! Though I did think that British leader girl and Sergeant Hale would have a moment, but nothing happened. Thanks Insomniac for not ruining the action with unneeded romance!
2. Call of Duty 3 is my main online game I liked to play for the PS3. For those who have CoD3 for the PS3 and have online, my screename is "DaMentalTeen" and I like to either be a Light Assault class or Medic. If I was given a choice, I'd always choose the Allies, cause I'm American, and they have the kick @$$ Thompson! Boo-Yah!!
3. I'm now thinking I should post Book 4 of The Outcast on, but what category should it be in? I was thinking Supernatural or Fantasy and then maybe add extra details into it in the 1st chapter via Author's Note. I was thinking this cause I think Book 4 so far is my best written because all the other 3 books had frequent short chapters and not to detailed. So what about it? Should I, or keep the Book 4 for sites that aren't
That's my blog, I guess. And sorry if you guys thought I was gone for good. Remember one thing, if people like me do seem to disappear, just imagine our ghosts and spirits haunting the place and asking for an extra roll of toilet paper to the nearest online user. Or just enjoy the good ol' memories, cause chances are when the 1st episode of Book 3 of A:tLA airs, many people will start returning. PEACE!!!
TMT, writer of The Outcast