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Call of Duty 4

If you have a PS3, Xbobx360, a good PC, or I think a Wii, you MUST get Call of Duty 4. Every reviewer and person I know that has that says it's a must have, and I'm saying that PLUS I believe that it's going to win Game of the Year, better than Bioshock, Halo 3, and any other good game this year. I just got this awesome game yesterday and I'm addicted to it.

For those who have the PS3, if you want, you can add me as your friend. The name is "DaMentalTeen" and I'll often play it online.

Here's what I love about this game the most:

1. The complete change in the plot. CoD 1, 2, and 3 were based off World War II, making the plot limited and having to be accurate with the battles and everything. In this one, Modern Warfare is the title for CoD 4 and the plot's unlimited. Weapons are accurate, the plot reminds you of a Tom Clancy book, and the action is just as good as CoD 2's action (CoD 3 was made by another company, so things were different).

2. How real everything is. From the little paper flying after an explosion to the explosion itself after an RPG hits something, the graphics are incredible. What amazes me is how real it looks at times without the actual game's quality being lower.

3. Drama and story is important in a game where you actually have a plot, and this has it. I won't say since it's a spoiler, but in 1 part, it'll be completely like Black Hawk Down mixed with today's War on Terrorism (FYI: the plot has nothing to do with today's affairs). From beginning to end, your heart will be pounding at many times, especially in the very 1st mission in a big supply boat. When the boat's sinking, the camera tilts and you feel like you're actually there, having a time limit before you fall off the ledge and die.

4. If you're complaining about games not being challenging lately, shut up, get the game, and play it on Veteran. They intimidate you with saying "You will not survive" on it, but they mean it. I had trouble on the 3rd level only on Hardened mode, and I can't imagine the final level on Veteran (I beat the game on Normal mode only, and I still had a helluva time, dying almost every level). The AI for the computers are freaking smart, even on Normal. They tell you to check your corners, but you don't think they mean it since it's a game, but on the 1st level, I turn around to face the right way, and BAM! I get shot from behind from a guy hiding in a corner with his pistol, and this is on Normal.

5. The shooting. Online, singe-player, heart-pounding shooting. You have several types of assault rifles with scopes or grenade launchers, sub-machine guns that fire faster than you can say "holy crap!", heavy machine guns that fire 200 rounds per magazine, shotguns that remind you of Scarface, sniper rifles that require you to hold your breath to aim straight, grenades that tear your eyes out, flash grenades that white-out the screen, RPG's that are effective, and so much more.

6. How it reminds you of so much things, but it's been upgraded better. I was reminded of Socom, Rainbow Six, Scarface, Black Hawk Down, the original Call of Duty's gameplay, Battlefield 2, 24, and so on.

Sorry for the long post, but I hope this is enough for you guys to get this epic, rad, and awesome game, if you can get it that is. My rating for this game: 100/100