Sorry for the copyright infringement from eveyone else doing this, but hell, it's the new "playing video games" nowadays huh? Anyway, here's mine, which BTW, the name is Jacob......WAZZUP?!!
J - Makes people laugh (Not sure about this one...)
A - Gorgeous (*BEEP* WRONG!!! Frikin' Fire Nation "volcanoes" keep growing on my forehead! Ok, I meant pimples, ugh, no matter how hard I clean it every day with those things specializing in cleaning!)
C - Really easy to fall in love with (Refer to the letter "A", doubt this one 99.99%.)
O - Has one of the best personalities ever (If it means by "unique", then yes, since that's everyone in the world.)
B - Loves people (In a friendly way! I'm not on of those outgoing dudes always saying, "Hey babe, wanna go out?" to every girl I see, believe me, I'm opposite of outgoing A.K.A. I'm shy!)
In says in a way that I'm a playboy or I'm a dream BF, but I doubt this in many ways. But hell, it was fun.
For those who want to do this to and fight "Big Brother" by copying it as well (Fight the machine!) and also might as well copy this list as well to help spread the CI! WOO-HOO!!!
A: Gorgeous
B: Loves people.
C: Really easy to fall in love with.
D: Is great in bed.
E: Freakin' beautiful eyes.
F: People wild and crazy adore you.
G: Never let people tell you what to do.
H: Easy to fall in love with.
I: Loves to laugh.
J: Makes people laugh.
K: Really silly.
L: Best Smile.
M: Makes dating fun.
N: Can kick ur ass.
O: Has one of the best personalities ever.
P: Popular with all types of people.
Q: A hypocrite.
R: Good bf/gf.
S: Lives life for fun.
T: Great kisser.
U: Gets blamed for everything.
V: Not judgmental.
W: Very broad minded.
X: Never let people tell you what to do.
Y: Loved by everyone.
Z: Lives life for fun.
Spread the Copyright Infringement (CI)!!
TMT, writer of The Outcast