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Odd Things I Notice at School (PART 1)

Not a FanFic, but some weird things that I notice at my school in California (BTW, it's a middle school)

2:00 PM, Science Class, My science teacher (who's a mother) was browsing through her labtop to show us some images of stuff of the periodic table. When she exited her main internet screen to open her 'My Documents', her background, ready?

Was Aang on Avatar!

As soon as it showed, everyone was all saying "Hey look, it's Avatar!" and none said it was dumb or anything. She seemed a tiny embarrassed about it since she didn't say anything.

Another thing I noticed that when she took it off a few weeks later (with some rocket blasting off) I asked her why she replaced it. She said that it was some error and she wanted to get it back.

Wait, what?


So does this mean that my science teacher is a fan of Avatar? Or is it one of her children? This is my biggest Q that I'm trying to answer at school but I never have spare time to ask her this Q directly.

Thanks for reading my random blog!

TMT, writer of :