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THE AVATAR IS BACK!!! (Points in this Episode}


The episode was a great one! The action was a bit on the low side, but what did ya expect from a premiere like that? In the action, my favorite was the serpent re-inacting an old black and white horror film with the giant squid. And the ending was sad, since his glider is now gone, but it looked cool how it just burned. Major points in this episode:

1. The invaders plan to invade using a small squad of the best fighters on the Day of Black Sun instead of the Earth King's army.

2. The Earth King is away with Bosco traveling the world.

3. Aang is probably still a bit weak since he showed weakness in this episode multiple times.

4. Aang's glider is gone, as well as the GAang teaming up with the warriors the whole way and will instead meet up with them on the day.


6. Azula read Zuko's mind and knew he was lying. It seems that she gave him all the credit to give him his honor, but since she knew Zuko was lying, she knows it'll be his downfall again.

7. Toph's metalbending is much better than it was in 220. She can now bend metal like it was earth now.

8. We see Yue after she being absent since 120, the season 1 finale.

9. Aang is selfish for most of the episode since he feels like he failed to help the world again, though Katara thought it was stupid.

10. Katara didn't get along with her dad this episode since she thought of him as selfish like Aang, yet she knew that wasn't it (kinda confusing, I know).

For next episode based on commercial...

1. The mystery man (or known as the Combustion Man to some) is revealed to be some kind of bounty hunter signed by Zuko to track down the Avatar.

2. The GAang try to fit into a Fire Nation town and school. Reminds me a bit of Naruto, only without the crazy looks and hairdoes.

3. Aang doesn't do a good job, lol.

Feel free to donate this info to the Notes, etc. to the episode info "The Awakening" and the upcoming "The Headband" since I don't care for leveling up much. Hopefully this helped summarize it to those who DID see it but had a bad memory of the episode.

TMT, writer of The Outcast