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Wow...So Many Movies...And Additional Stuff...

For my final few days of Summer Vacation, I wanted to do something I normally don't do. In the end, I just decided I wanted to go crazy with movies that are on DVD. I went from old to new. Action-packed to hilarious, and scary to dumb. I never watched so many movies I haven;t seen before that were all that I liked. I never seen each of these. Most of these are old, but maybe you guys and girls might've heard of them. Here they are in the order I remembered with my rating:

1. 300 - 5 out of 5 - 1 word for this, "Epic"

2. Alexander - 3 out of 5 - Good action, but I watched it right after 300, so it looked mediocre compared to the epic film.

3. Schindler's List - 3 and a half out of 5 - Made my Steven Spielberg and based on the Holocaust of WWII, but making this my 1st film I've seen during WWII with no battles, wasn't action-y enough, but the story was true, sad, and great and so it deserved a score that wasn't too high but not too low.

4. G.I. Jane - 4 out of 5 - I'm a guy and think like a guy, but this was amazing and made me think I'm puny and weak, lol.

5. Liar Liar - 4 out of 5 - A comedy that reminded me of a more serious Ace Ventura, because it had Jim Carrey also, lol. Loved his retarded and goof-ballish humor, especially when he couldn't lie, then it became hilarious.

6. The Blair Witch - 4 and a half out of 5 - Was it called this or The Blair Witch Project? Anyway, even knowing it wasn't actually based on a true story, this did a great job in freaking me out and I can imagine people getting so frikin' scared thinking this was a true story. The ironic part, they used cheap cameras and weren't pro actors. Overall: VERY low budget film (or was it an independent film?) +made millions = Yippee Ki Yay Motherfu-- *ding* Oooh, popcorn is ready! Oh, and that saying was to whoever pays so much money for terrible films, hehehe...


7. The Number 23 - 4 out of 5 - a very confusing and mystery movie that I can still understand in some possible way. I wonder how long it took for the writers to come up with that many things that can relate to the number 23, like Hitler's death, the atomic bomb over Hiroshima, the sinking of the Titanic, and even the guessed year of when the world is going to end (which they think is 2012).


Additional Stuff: I did watch many movies in the theaters and are good, but who hasn't? lol, so I won't bother typing what I thought of those too. I'm starting to read the final Harry Potter book after getting it on the day I watched 300 and Alexander. I'm about on chapter 14 right now and already like it more than the other books. Please, NO SPOILERS!!! And has anyone seen LittleKuriboh's newest video (he makes the Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Series) on YouTube? He proposed to one of his 1st viewers and she said yeah. Congrats to him! Oh, and has anyone know any kinda old action movies that think I might;ve not seen it? I actually haven't seen to much movies that are said to be classics and so could someone just try to name some good films so I can get them from NetFlix and BlockBuster? Thanks!

Also, a warning, DO NOT WATCH BRATZ OR HOT ROD; BOTH ARE TERRIBLE ACCORDING TO ALL REVIEWS I'VE SEEN AND READ!!! And that bananas can give you cancer, but what doesn't these days? Thanks for reading!

TMT, writer of The Outcast