Each day, I wake up, and the daily grind is just get annoying. Every day, smae old things. Blah, Blah, Blah. But then today, I got to get home from work early, and I threw my Metroid cart into the NES, and I proceeded to have a 2 hour binge crawling around with Samus. My day was greatly more upbeat since then. Sorry for wasting anyone's time, I was just happy about that.
the_savior12 Blog
A Long Time in Waiting
by the_savior12 on Comments
I recently picked up my copy of Crystalis on NES and threw it in the good old top-loader, when I realized how much gaming bliss I receive from playing the classics. I like Halo as much as the next, but the time when games were truly innovative and addicting was during the NES days. They made games for the gamers and not to fulfiill some magic quest that the developers set out to do. They need to learn to set their egos aside for a minute.
Look at Mayimoto, the man is a genious when it comes to video games, but he has never let his ego get in the way. If one of his projects goes good, he gives most of the credit to his team. If a project goes bad, he takes the blame. While his glory days seem to be coming back to him, some may have forgotten about him because he doesn't give up a new Zelda and Mario every year or two like the Rockstar guys do with GTA. He does other progects and tries to innovate the system as a whole. It's amazing that some of the companies can be considered gamings great developers when all they make is rehashed crap. Look at how much different each Mario and Zelda are from eachother, that's innovation. Now look at GTA, the only real differences are time period, place, a few new rides, and a different character, but the core of the game does not change in hardly any sense. It just pisses me off that there are so ignorant of gamers out there that truly don't deserve those great games that Mayimoto and some others make, because they can hardly appreciate anything that doesn't say SONY or MICROSOFT on it. Nintendo has been around this long because of no matter what the other two try to do, Nintendo is the only one that will take a risk and be innovative and new. They don't just expand on what worked, they create fresh time and time again, and you know what, Nintendo is still the best to me.
Too Many Bugs
by the_savior12 on Comments
Wind Waker
by the_savior12 on Comments
God, I wish I would just finish games more often.
by the_savior12 on Comments
So Much Homework
by the_savior12 on Comments
Today's Thoughts
by the_savior12 on Comments
I am bored trying to do my Introduction to Film class homework.
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